Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Manager, Engineer jobs BEML Limited Bangalore

BEML Limited
(A Govt of India Undertaking)
BEML Soudha, 23/1, 4th Main, Sampangirama Nagar, Bangalore-560 027,
 Toll Free No. 1800-425-2365

A. Research & Development Centre.

Post/ Grade:Manager (Gr-IV)
PQ Exp.(Yrs) *: 9
Upper Age Limit (Yrs): 34
Pay scale: Rs: 24,900-50,500
CTC (Approx): 7.30 Lakhs
Post/ Grade: Assistant Manager (Gr. III)
PQ Exp.(Yrs) *: 5
Upper Age Limit (Yrs): 30
Pay scale:Rs: 20,600-46,500
CTC (Approx): 6.10 Lakhs
Post/ Grade:Engineer (Gr-II)
PQ Exp.(Yrs) *: 1
Upper Age Limit (Yrs): 27
Pay scale: Rs: 16,400-40,500
CTC (Approx): 4.8 Lakhs

B. Technology Division.

Post/ Grade: Asst. General Manager (Gr-VI)
PQ Exp.(Yrs) *: 16
Upper Age Limit (Yrs): 41
Pay scale: 32900-58000
CTC (Approx): 10.5 Lakhs
Post/ Grade: Manager (Gr-IV)
PQ Exp.(Yrs) *: 9
Upper Age Limit (Yrs): 34
Pay scale: Rs: 24,900-50,500
CTC (Approx): 7.30 Lakhs
Post/ Grade: Assistant Manager (Gr. III)
PQ Exp.(Yrs) *: 5
Upper Age Limit (Yrs): 30
Pay scale: Rs: 20,600-46,500
CTC (Approx): 6.10 Lakhs
Post/ Grade: Engineer (Gr-II)
PQ Exp.(Yrs) *: 1
Upper Age Limit (Yrs): 27
Pay scale: Rs: 16,400-40,500
CTC (Approx): 4.08 Lakhs

The candidates may apply ON-LINE by clicking the “Apply ON-LINE” Link and after going through the prescribed guidelines and ensuring correctness of the data entered in the portal / form. The last date for submission of application by on-line is 15.12.2010 by 17.45 hours. Applications sent by post/ courier etc will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected. (Please ignore the newspaper advertisement regarding submission of application by ”Post”).

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