Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Retired Police Officer job Indian Oil Corporation Bihar

Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Barauni-Kanpur Pipeline, P.O. Barauni Oil Refinery
Distt: Begusarai (Bihar), PIN – 851 114

Requirement of retired Police Officer on Contract basis at Allahabad as Security Chief

Eligibility: The incumbent should have retired from the Police services from the State of Uttar Pradesh on or after 31.12.2008 at the rank not less than Dy. Superintendent of Police or Senior Police Inspector. Preference will be given to the candidates having legal background, experience of working in Intelligence and crime control.

Period of Contract: Initially for a period of one year which may be extended in a spell

Interested and eligible candidates may send their duly filled in applications (in the prescribed application form) to Sr. Human Resource Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Pipelines Division), Barauni - Kanpur Pipeline, PO:- Barauni Oil Refinery, Begusarai – 851114, (Bihar) so as to reach by 13.12.2010.

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