Monday, November 29, 2010

SRF, Research Associate Jobs NBRC-National Brain Research Centre

National Brain Research Centre
(Deemed University)
(An Autonomous Institute of the Dept. of Biotechnology, Government of India) 
NH-8, Manesar- 122 050, Gurgaon Dist, Haryana

Tel : 0124 – 2338920 – 26, Email :

Walk-in Interview for the post of SRF/RA on 23 December 2010 at 10:00 AM

National Brain Research Centre calls for candidates for a Senior Research Fellow or Research Associate position in a CSIR sponsored project entitled "Effects of Amyloid Beta on Growth Factor Signaling in the Hippocampus: Implications for the Alzheimer's Disease".

Essential Qualifications : Senior Research Fellow: M.Sc. degree in Life Science with two years research experience in animal cell culture and molecular biology techniques.
Research Associate: Ph D degree in Life Sciences with experience in animal cell culture and molecular biology techniques. Candidates who have submitted their Ph D thesis are also eligible to apply.

Eligible candidates may appear for a walk-in-interview at NBRC at 10 A.M. on 23 December, 2010 along with their CV and all the required certificates in original and with a set of self attested copies of such certificates/documents in support of their qualification and experience. The scrutiny of credentials will be done between 10 am and 11 am only, and the interview will start at 11 am. There is only one post. Selection for Senior Research Fellow or Research Associate position will be based on suitability of the candidate's qualification for the project.

No TA / DA will be provided for the candidates attending the interview

Fellowship :  Senior Research Fellow: 14, 000 per month (consolidated). Research Associate: 16,000/-per month (consolidated).

Duration :  The selected candidate will be appointed on purely temporary basis, initially for a period of one year or until the services are required by the project or until the validity of the project, whichever is earlier.

Hostel facility :   Accomodation will be provided  on sharing basis as per availability in the Hostel at NBRC Campus, Manesar

Other Benefits : Admissible as per rules of  NBRC

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